
Laurence McKenna


Which country will you be visiting?

'My expedition will be in Costa Rica'

Where are you based and what is your role?

'I am site manager for the Romford ROC site in Essex'

What inspired you to apply for the Overseas Development Challenge?

A colleague has done the same programme with Raleigh in Costa Rica and when the opportunity came he said it is something I really couldn’t turn down.

Also, the thought of being able to improve the lives of others that are less fortunate really appeals to me and I would really like to make a positive impact on someone’s life.  

What skills will you bring to the expedition?

‘I work with people from different backgrounds so my communication skills are quite good. I am also involved with a number of sporting teams so there are plenty of games and drills that I can play with the group to bring the team together.’

What are you most and least looking forward to?

‘It’s quite hard to pinpoint what I am looking forward to the most, meeting a lot of different people from different cultures, seeing some wonderful views and wildlife and living it rough and camping.

Communication with home is the thing I am not looking forward to but everything else I am looking forward to, I can’t wait for it all.’