Structures Maintenance Framework, Essex
The Essex County Council Structures Framework Contract covered the maintenance of various elements of bridges, culverts and other structures throughout the county of Essex.
The main purpose of structures maintenance framework was to maintain the network structures for the safe and convenient movement of people and goods. The core objectives of the maintenance was to deliver a safe, serviceable and sustainable network, taking into account the need to contribute to the wider objectives of asset management, integrated transport, corporate policy and continuous improvement.
Each element of work was defined by a scheme specific task order which outlined the scope of works. Examples of the schemes delivered include:
- Reconstruction of Chappel road bridge and construction of a new steel footbridge
- Reconstruction of Basin road bridge
- Reconstruction of Piercys bridge
- Maldon and Ladywell bridge concrete repairs and strengthening
- Reconstruction of Broom House road bridge
- Smith Green road bridge masonry arch strengthening
- Guithavon road bridge replacement including decorative panels and parapets
- Reconstruction of Spicketts Brook bridge and river bank protection work