M1 Junction 10a improvement scheme
VolkerFitzpatrick delivered a number of improvements to Junction 10A on behalf of Luton Borough Council. These works have reduced significant queues and congestion previously experienced by road users and improved journey times and safety.
The previous M1 J10a was a large conventional roundabout which connected the M1 Spur to Airport Way and London Road, linking Luton to the wider motorway network. The junction experienced significant queues and delays, particularly at peak times.
The project involved the removal of the roundabout and widening of the M1 spur road to three lanes. This provided a continuous east-west carriageway with a speed limit of 50mph.
Two new roundabouts have also been built to allow road users to join and leave London Road and the M1 spur. London Road itself will be realigned to pass under the M1 spur, through a newly constructed underpass that also provides both pedestrian and cycle routes.
A key factor to the successful delivery of this scheme was managing an extensive earthworks programme, ensuring that the majority of the 153,000m3 of excavated materials, including topsoil, chalk and hard breakout was recycled or reused on the project.
All works were completed under extensive traffic management arrangements, keeping live traffic flowing in and out of Luton town centre and Luton Airport.
In order to keep disruption to a minimum, two lanes were being kept open in each direction whenever possible during daytime and peak hours throughout the works.
More information can be found on Luton Borough Council’s project webpage.