Bradwell wind farm
RWE npower renewables commissioned VolkerFitzpatrick to construct a ten turbine wind farm at Bradwell-on-Sea in Essex.

The process
The access road to the wind farm site as well as the construction of a control building and the ten turbine bases were complete in 2012.
The crane pads and trenched electrical cables that link the turbines and the control building were also installed. The crane pads were constructed to support the 1,200 tonne crane used to erect the various components of each turbine.
In spring 2013, the erection, testing and commissioning of the ten turbines commenced. Due to the size and length of the turbines they were transported in sections and then erected on site. To minimise disruption to the local community, the delivery of the turbine components took place outside peak traffic periods.

Community benefits
We worked with the village school and undertook much needed renovation of their play area and gardens as a good will gesture. We also took special measures to look after local flora and fauna.
- We carried out work to protect badger setts alongside Natural England
- Created ponds to create and enhance the habitats for water voles
- Seeded field verges to create tussock grasslands
- Sowed wild bird seed mixes in selected areas
- Relocated existing hedge