Students engaging with VolkerFitzpatrick
VolkerFitzpatrick attracted unprecedented interest from students who attended Bridgend College's Learning Pathways Careers Convention 2014. The convention was organised for young people aged 14 - 19 who attend schools located across Bridgend County Borough. Exhibitors at the event covered a broad range of career opportunities within a number of industries, such as the public sector, civil engineering and science.

During the event VolkerFitzpatrick talked about civil engineering and construction, its involvement in the Intercity Express Programme (IEP) and gave an overview on the Swansea Depot project.
Students were able to walk around the different stands and ask questions freely. VolkerFitzpatrick received interest from some students who were particularly keen to engage in the construction industry. As a result, VolkerFitzpatrick is now organising a number of work experience sessions for the students who wanted to take what they had learned from the day even further.
Niki Rathkey, the mother of one of the students who showed a keen interest, said: "I would like to thank you for spending time with my son yesterday, explaining VokerFitzpatrick's expertise and giving him an option to think about for his future.
"He came home from school so enthusiastic and stated there are even engineers who dive (as he loves deep sea diving)."
Gill Fry, workplace coordinator at VolkerFitzpatrick, said: "The turnout was really good and it was great to meet these young people who are so focused and enthusiastic about the industry we work in.
"We want to do everything we can to encourage them to stay engaged with the industry and show the fantastic projects that are happening at the moment. The least we could do is organise work experience for them to get an inside, hands-on view of how it works."